Chiropractic is a natural and safe approach to treat many musculoskeletal conditions.
At Chiropractic Health we offer personalised treatment plans for each person, young and old alike.
Chiropractors treat many problems associated with the joints, bones and muscles, and the knock on effects they have on your nervous system or other joints. (for example low back pain can cause pain or pins and needles down the leg and/or into the groin, and into other joints such as the knee or ankle).
The treatment utilises manipulative techniques in association with soft tissue work and advice on home exercises to restore the bodies natural function.

The Chiropractic Experience
If you have never had Chiropractic treatment before, you may be wondering how the Chiropractic experience works. Essentially, there are three key steps on this journey:

Assessment & Diagnosis
Treatment & Advice
Working out what is going on!
We hear your story and take a detailed account of the problem. We then carry out a physical assessment to gain more information. With this we can then create an individualized treatment plan to help you.
Moving forwards
The treatment utilises manipulative techniques in association with soft tissue work (massage) and advice on home exercises to restore the body's natural function.
Unfortunately, some problems leave 'scars' and wear and tear which cannot be undone. In these situations, it is often recommended that maintenance treatments are beneficial, a bit like servicing your car!

Chiropractic Clinic
With more than 20 years of experience in chiropractic health, Clare Duncan-Hawes delivers exceptional chiropractic services for anyone in need. Clare is the passionate founder of the Chiropractic Health Centre. To stay up to date with our latest news, follow us on Facebook, where we regularly post informational blogs.